Pages are used for example for the 'about us' and 'return policy' pages. These are standard text pages. Pages can be added, modified, and deleted via SiteCMS.

  • Go to Texts > Pages (here you will find an overview of all pages, you can select multiple pages and perform certain actions via 'selected rows')
  • Click on new to add a new page / click on an existing page to modify an existing page
  • Fill in the following parts: title, subtitle, and description
  • Add an image
  • Set the status to active
  • Click save

Tip: Play with the display in Google under 'Meta data / search engine advertisement'. Adjust your URL, title, and description. For example, place a compelling text in the description. Pay attention to the current guidelines of Google.

For website
Website, Webshop, Platform, Auction, Dating
Page editor, Structure, Layout
#replace title#