Through the integration with YouTube, members can directly search YouTube for profile videos.
All our servers are located in Amsterdam. The network and hardware for our servers are provided by TransIP.
We prefer to keep all spam out of our online platforms. Our platform partner, reCaptcha, helps us with that.
On platforms, a lot of searches take place. We wanted to enable searching without burdening the database. Elastic provided us with the technology for that.
Phalcon is one of the fastest frameworks that exists, designed specifically for high-performance websites. That's why our software runs on Phalcon.
The emails sent via Mailchimp always get delivered. Mailchimp provides us with the relay service to ensure that sent emails always reach their destination.
Everything related to online payments within our software is made possible in collaboration with the payment provider Mollie.
DDoS protection, the CDN, the DNS, and many speed optimizations are made possible by our platform partner Cloudflare.