Hoe maak ik een inschrijfformulier?
Een inschrijfformulier binnen SiteCMS is een handige tool waarmee je eenvoudig gegevens kunt verzamelen van bezoekers die zich willen registreren op jouw website of platform.
Website, Webshop, Platform, Auction, Dating
Page editor, Layout, Profiles
Contract duration and Notice period
This describes the regulations regarding our contracts
How can I translate a sorting function on my website?
Translating the sorting functions in SiteCMS.
Website, Webshop, Platform
Page editor
How can I translate a subscription?
Translating subscriptions in SiteCMS.
Website, Webshop, Platform
Page editor
How can I translate a question form on my site?
Website, Webshop, Platform
Page editor
How do I translate question blocks for my platform?
Translate your question blocks in SiteCMS.
Website, Webshop, Platform
Page editor
How can I translate search criteria on my website?
This is how you translate search criteria!
Website, Webshop, Platform
Page editor
How can I translate a poll on my website?
Translating a poll in sitecms
Website, Webshop, Platform
Page editor
How can I translate a slide on my website?
Translating slides in SiteCMS
Website, Webshop, Platform
Page editor
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