Manage Slider
The homepage features a large slider. This slider is intended to show an atmospheric image so that visitors immediately understand what the website is about. The slider includes a title, description, and a button. This allows you to immediately draw visitors' attention to an important call to action. You can change the slide in the following way:
- Go to SiteCMS > Texts > Slides
- Open the desired slide by clicking on it (your website may contain multiple slides, but we recommend showing only one) or click on new to create a new slide
- Enter the title of the slide. This will be prominently displayed
- Optionally enter the button text
- Click on choose file to add an image
- Set the status to active
- Skip the informative content step
- Optionally enter the slider link if you want to use the button
- Enter a description. Use a list to highlight different points
- Click on save to save the changes.
Tip: If your website has multiple Sliders, make sure to apply the above steps to all Sliders.