Menu button does not work

It sometimes happens that a menu button is created, but it does not work. In this case, it is often a simple mistake. The URL entered for the menu item under link must exactly match the URL of the page where the visitor should end up. Here are a few quick steps to troubleshoot the problem:

  • Check if the type of the menu item is set to link (SiteCMS> Texts> Menus> open the relevant menu item> Look at type)
  • Check which URL is entered for the menu item under link (SiteCMS> Texts> Menus> open the relevant menu item> Look at link)
     ○A URL must not contain spaces or strange characters.
  • Check if the page where the button should lead to already exists.
     ○A button can only lead to an existing page.
  • Check if the page where the button should lead to has exactly the same URL as the menu item.
  • Check if the page where the button should lead to does not have a URL that already exists for another page.
     ○There must not be multiple pages with the same URL.

Tip: If the website has multiple translations, check if the above points are also correct in the translation.

For website
Website, Webshop, Platform, Auction, Dating
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