Question blocks

Properties can be displayed in various places on the website. For example, on the profile page, in the search overview, or on a category page. We display these properties with question blocks. These exist for the properties of profiles but also for the properties of items from a management group.

Generally, there are two types of question blocks, namely for the thumbnail and for the detail page. The thumbnail is the tile used in overviews. For example, the search overview or a category page. The detail page is the profile page of a user or the page of an item.

Per management group, you can determine which question blocks are used for thumbnail and detail. For the profile page, these are already added by default. These are Profile and Thumbnail; you can change these but not add them yourself.

A question block consists of a header with one level of properties below it. Except on the profile page, where you can create multiple headers with properties below them.

For website
Page editor
#replace title#